Thursday, December 10, 2015


Meet the dream girl everyone’s been talking about!

Monroe Hayden may only be 27, yet she can add artist, actor, producer, screenwriter, show-runner, composer and business woman to her resume. Yes, she does all that! She started off as a freelance artist and worked with major companies like Disney, 20th Century Fox and Dreamworks. Author, Xavier Haven, wrote the three- part Daisy series back in September 2011 where he hired Hayden to digitally paint for his digital chapter releases before he would sell the story in paperback. In 2013, Hayden and business partner, Brandon Teague bought the rights to Daisy which has resulted into a web series titled Fox.Daisy has been a part of my life for so long, I don’t think she’ll ever leave now,” Hayden says. So what was it that got her the role of Fox?

“Honestly, I don’t think I was ever given the role until after the preview was released. Fans assumed I was Fox and approved. I could have easily been Mina and I think there were meetings where I was considered for that role. I was going to be one of the girls for sure because it would be easier to cast one other actress as opposed to two. When we started, we didn’t have any backers or anything, so we were really thinking of how to spend the least amount of money as possible. So we decided early on to make it a two- hander.”

For those who don’t know what a two- hander is, a two- hander in the film world, is when there are just two characters, [actors], that the audience will follow 90% of the production. The actors really have to know each other well and the direction has to be on point in order to keep the audience from getting bored. Most times, viewers have two characters that are linked together that they enjoy watching but not every viewer likes the same characters which is why an ensemble is important to cover the wide range of audiences. Some get bored with other stories and branches. Fox is definitely taking a risk by focusing their first season on just one story.

With the approval of fans, Monroe Hayden was cast as the lead and Xavier Haven was stoked about it revealing, “Monroe has been a very good friend since I was 19. We went through a lot together and we both supported each other through rocky times. While writing Daisy, I actually had her in mind when creating Fox; her personality and parts of her looks. Fox was very helpful in Daisy’s transition from child to adult. Fox helped her with accepting who she really was and what she wanted to do with her life. Monroe helped me with that. So the fact that she got the role comes full circle for me, like she inspired Fox and now she is Fox. It’s very special.”

But don’t expect Fox to be as tender as she was in the books. Hayden’s performance as Fox is a little dark. “We didn’t want her to be exactly the same. Since it’s a prequel, we wanted to show a different side to her. Her heart is the same, her convictions are the same and what drives her is the same but there are aspects to her personality that are different and that may make you question her character. In the beginning she appears fine and as close as they could get me to look like the character in the books but as the season progresses, her appearance and behavior become more feral. There has to be a darker side to being her, a dark side to the burden of keeping all those secrets and being trapped in other people’s dreams without ever dreaming herself. She has to overcome something before she helps Daisy. She has to learn a little more about life and how it works and she has to make a sacrifice in order to be happy. She has to risk losing something to have her,” Hayden says.

So don’t expect this show to be a typical estrogen- driven show! “Well, there’ll be a little estrogen. I mean they are both women and we get emotional at times,” Hayden jokes. “But Fox is tough. Young girls can look at her and think, ‘I can be the one in control. I can be tough too. I can be strong! I can save the day! Some dude doesn’t have to be. I don’t even need a guy,’.” In a world where men take lead roles in genres such as these, Fox takes a big leap but does the obvious girl on girl romance have anything to do with it? “Of course it does. In Hollywood, men and women play very particular roles to one another. So when you take the guy out and put another woman in, it changes things a bit. Men and women aren’t that different in the game of love and Fox demonstrates that well but men and women are looked at very differently. Not to mention, same-sex relationships are still not at the equal level as straight ones. Gay and lesbian characters still aren't main characters but part of the ensemble. Making them main characters changes things.”

Between Fox and Mina, the women will be the ones who overcome lots of tribulations, obviously, and we can also expect action scenes as well. “Yes there will be actions scenes. Fox and Xander do a lot of that.” Making a woman fight a man is also starting a rise in Hollywood, making Fox part of that 'Girl Power' movement. "It's awesome, in my opinion, because women have been dumbed down or bitchified in Hollywood for so long. Strong, tough female-driven films and shows don't do well with audiences, like it's not believable but it's changing. It shows viewers that women may be the physical 'weaker' sex but they don't go down without a fight and a guy can definitely get an injury and sometimes... the girl wins." Speaking of injuries, while filming one of those action scenes, Hayden bruised her hand badly to the point she had to have it wrapped and wear a splint for her ring finger. “It wasn’t that bad and when you see the fight scene you’re going to be like, ‘What? How’d you hurt your hand doing that?’”

Life has definitely changed for Ms. Hayden since Daisy entered her life. Not many people can say they had a hand injury while filming a fight scene for a series they’re in. Not many people can say they have fans who watch their every move or ship them with various actors. Not many people can say they actually created a series and run it. Not many people can say they’re a celebrity. “I don’t know about that,” Hayden says. “I don’t think I’m a celebrity.” Well, what else would you call it then?  “I’m just a girl who wants to do creative things, I guess. Anything but a celebrity.”

We’ll take that and we’re so excited to see what she has in store for us as the seductive, yet dark Fox. “I’m very nervous about it, to be honest. There are so many things that come with creating something and releasing it to the world to judge. A lot of people tell me, ‘Don’t worry. It’ll be great,’ and I’m like, ‘Yo! What if it’s not good? What if I make a fool of myself?’ It’s the jitters that come with the territory but I’m definitely nervous. A lot of work has been put into this and I hope it shows. I hope we don’t look sloppy or unprofessional.” Don’t worry Monroe, it’ll be great.


Fox Blog: Are you dating anyone?
Monroe Hayden: No.

What’s your biggest flaw?
Sometimes I can get so caught up in the things I have to do that I forget to be a bit more thoughtful. So, I suppose I can be a bit self-centered.

I’m having a hard time balancing my responsibilities and ‘bed-side manner’. I focus on what I need to get done and forget everything else. I’m working on it, though.

What’s the best thing about you?
I don’t know… I’m pretty creative, I guess. I’m great at surprising people. Um, I think I get major points for gift giving ideas and stuff.

I once made someone scavenger hunt all over the city for Valentine’s. I couldn’t get reservations at the place we wanted to go so I tried to make up for it. We actually had a good time and went to many places instead of one.

Major points! Have you ever had a Valentine you weren’t dating?
Um, yeah actually I have. A really good friend of mine was my Valentine for two years, I think. We were both single and loved to eat desserts, so we were perfect “dates” at the time. It was more of a ‘Gal-entine’s’ day, to be honest.

Would it be weird if I asked if that was that the same person you made scavenger hunt?
Um no and no. I’d have embarrassed myself! (Laughs) That would be too awkward to do with a friend.

Um, it was a romantic scavenger hunt.

Gotcha! Are you a romantic?
I can get pretty romantic but I’m not very open in the beginning, though. I’m pretty shy, even if I wanted to do something- anything like hold your hand or kiss you- I stop myself and pull back. It’s a habit. I need time to get comfortable and adapt and a lot of people don’t like that nor have time for it, which is understanding but once I’m at that comfortable stage, you better be ready because I can bring it! Just have to wait it out a while.

Lots of people are willing to wait it out for you.
It’s so weird that you’d say that because recently someone close to me told me the opposite.

He’s regretting it.
(Laughs) Not sure about that.

He is. Trust me. So… they’ll have to make the first move?
Oh! Depends. I’m trying- not to be so shy, so I’ll push myself to make the first move at times.

Why are you shy?
I don’t know.

You shouldn’t have any problem with anything, looking the way you do.
I don’t know about that.

There’s a line of guys just hoping you’d pick them! No need to be shy.
Hmmm, where is this line?

Ok, we’ll get back to this later. What’s the secret? What do women want?
Respect. You don’t have to shower her with gifts, or compliments or promises, just respect her at all times. Don’t respect her sometimes- all the time! If you get mad or frustrated or confused, don’t be disrespectful to her. Even if you feel disrespected, don’t do that because once you do, you’ll never get her back. You wouldn’t want someone disrespecting you for whatever reason, so don’t do it to her.

What’s the best thing you can do for a woman [other than respect her]?
Make her laugh. Be silly- especially when she’s sad. You can’t take someone else’s sadness away but making them laugh can really help… a lot.

That is so true. What’s the worst thing?
Make her feel worthless.

That’s true too. What’s the most romantic gift someone can give you?
A book. To me, there’s something very romantic about someone I like or love, giving me a book to read. It sort of turns me on, actually.

Noted. What’s the worst gift?
A stuffed toy.

Newbie mistake to give stuffed toys! Favorite flower?
Roses. Cliché, I know.

Not to me. Why roses?
My mom’s name is Rose and my favorite film is Beauty and the Beast, which obviously involves a rose.

You’re adorable, you know that?
I don’t know about that.

Favorite chocolate?

Favorite love song?
Can a woman really just choose one?

Ok, ok. Favorite love song to slow dance to?
“The Way You Look Tonight” performed by Rod Stewart

Oh! That is so perfect!
Isn’t it?!

Celebrity crush?
Oh, I have a few.

Name them!
Chris Hemsworth, Matt Bomer, Chiwetel Ejiofor- to name a few.

Any girl crushes?
(Laughs) Tons of women! (Laughs) They’re all crush worthy! Um, Natalie Portman is pretty hot. Adriana Lima, Katy Perry… any of the Pretty Little Liars and of course Allyson Moyer. Duh!

How can someone win your heart?
I don’t know! Um, I’m attracted to kindness. I like people who are kind. So be kind to me if you want me, especially if I make you mad. That’s how you can tell if they’re genuinely kind or just pretending. If they can still be kind when they’re mad at you- you have someone you should keep in your life because being kind can be very hard at times. It’s ok to be angry but it’s never ok to be cruel.

That is a very good point! So let’s get back to that other topic, why are you shy? Are you scared of something?
Wow! You really are a journalist, aren’t you?

I try to get to the bottom of things… and you’re stalling.
Well, I guess when it comes to the core of things, yes. I suppose I am scared. I think most people are, though.

Why are you scared? You’re beautiful! You can get anyone you wanted!
I suppose I'm scared of feeling low, being rejected- you know the normal things most people feel. And I wasn't always beautiful.

What do you mean?
I grew up a hardcore tom boy. I wore boy clothes and everything and because of that I was bullied a lot. Lots of kids would tease me. Yeah, they were kids and as children we learn things about life and what it means to be… well, mean but their words still stick with me today. I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything, it was what it was and it happened. So, hearing people like you throw compliments my way 20 years later is very surprising and I don’t know how to process it. We all have issues, whether we’re too confident or not confident enough and I’ve never met anyone who was directly in the middle. We all have issues with how we look and appear to other people and that affects how we approach the people we’re attracted to as a result. So, yeah. I’m shy. I wasn’t the prettiest girl in school. No one really said, “Oh her? Yeah she’s hot!” I was too scrawny. People would call me anorexic. I was too boyish. People would ask me why I wouldn’t be more girly. I only had one boyfriend in high school but no one else asked me out. I had to ask my prom date to prom! (Laughs) It was bad.

They had no idea you’d be a bombshell and you’re right, they were kids. Maybe they grew up a little?
Maybe. I’m sure some of them have.

Do you feel beautiful?
Sometimes. That’s as honest as I can get. There are days when I feel, “Yeah girl! Get it!” And others where I’m like, “Ugh. This is as good as it’s going to get.”

How about on the inside?
I have things to work on, as does any human being, but I try to be good and that makes me feel that eventually I’ll feel confident enough to say, “I’m fucking beautiful dammit!” (Laughs)

You don’t feel that way right now?
Not yet but I will. Believe me.

I do. And you are. Believe me.

Written by: Jenny Q.
Photo's by: Adriana Escandon