Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Case of the X!

Cat's out of the bag with this little tid bit of news. The mystery man known as Alexander Veitch a.k.a. Xander (Michael Lozano), the same man who plays an important role in Fox, Mina and Daisy's futures, is none other than Fox's ex- boyfriend. Although the first season is focused mainly on Mina and Fox's relationship, perhaps Mina will have to compete for Fox's affections?  So with a new character added in the Daisy universe, the question still stirs: Why is Alexander Veitch so important?

Creators revealed in 2014, that the show is darker than the books and according to Daisy author and Fox Executive Producer, Xavier Haven says, 
“This show will change the way you read the books. It’s got so many twists and turns that I was even impressed with Monroe [Hayden] and Adriana [Escandon]’s approach to the series. It will answer questions and will make you ask different ones. The whole thing is very clever, I must admit. Much more clever than my stuff. And it's darker in a lot of ways. It's not all sunshine and flowers. Xander brings out that darkness. But with that being said, when it comes to the girl's, Mina’s experience in the Dream World is far different from Daisy’s and Xander is one of the reasons but I think fans will be happy with the Daisy and Fox romance build up which Xander helps. It’s brilliant, in my opinion. Especially for short episodes."

There you go Foxers! And be sure to keep us bookmarked because more excited news and secrets are about to be revealed!

- Allison K.