Saturday, September 23, 2017

Angel New: Bad Girls Have More Fun

Most girls audition for the "damsel in distress" roles but not Angel New. She wanted to play Fortmount's mean girl, Rebecca Spears from the very beginning. With an audition that impressed all five members of the casting panel, the very second she went into "Rebecca Mode", everyone knew that they found the woman to bring Xavier Haven's villain to life.

1.)Can you tell us about your experience working on Season 2?

It was amazing! I never knew the amount of work it took to produce something on film. I learned so much and met some amazing people whom I probably would have never crossed if not for Fox.

2.)Was this your first acting project? If not, what else have you done?

It wasn't actually. I did plays all throughout school the only recognizable one being Rent. However, It was my first time doing film.

3.) What inspired you to pursue acting?

Life honestly, I've been in a lot of situations where I had to pretend. Also It's always been something I felt I was good at; like how people say it came to me easy, that's acting for me. 

4.) What was your experience working with the cast and crew?

They are great! We're all so different but put us in a room and it'll immediately come to life with everyone having something beautiful to add to it. They are actually some of the best people I've met in San Diego and that's saying a lot.

5.) What's something new about acting that you learned that you didn't know before Fox?

I didn't know that in some cases you didn't meet your cast before having to perform with them. In theatre you have many practices and you get to know your mates but it wasn't like that with in this show so what seems natural in film is actually really great acting sometimes.

6.) What advice would you give to other striving actors?

There are gonna be a lot of no's before you get a yes but if it's something you love stick to it. Even further if there aren't any roles you feel you can relate to create your own but never give up on yourself. You have to be your own biggest fan.

7.) What inspirations did you take to create Rebecca?

I absolutely love Gabrielle Union and her Portrayal as the "Bitchy" character in much of her career, so I basically binged on a bunch of her old movies. 

8.) Would you ever play a character in the dream world?

But of course, I live for the day day I wake up in a field by a tree with fox and daisy sketched into it but seriously, heck yeah the dream world seems pretty sweet and totally dangerous, just the place where Rebecca could reign

Interview by Liv Borromeo
Photos by Monroe Hayden

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