Saturday, September 2, 2017

Steven Acedo: It's Good to be Bad

Power becomes Steven Acedo, the actor who wields a bloodthirsty commitment for revenge in SkySoft's Fox as the emperor Rath. Whether you loved him or loved to hate him, bad guys always have the most fun and Acedo had a hell of a time doing it! 

Can you tell us about your experience filming season 2?

It's definitely been one of the best and most exciting experiences I've been through.  It's a learning experience for sure.

What other acting projects have you had?

I've done small roles, been an extra in a few movies- stuff like that but this one was a good test.  A really good first outing and most memorable thus far.

We don't get to see Rath all that much yet he's made quite the impression- especially in the finale. What inspirations did you take into Rath's creation?

Well Monroe gave me a lot of insight as to Rath's character and persona which was great. It helped me narrow down the characters and villains from other films I wanted to incorporate in to Rath's persona.  I want Rath to be believable like a Cersei Lannister or Darth Vader. When people see Rath on screen I'd like them to hate him because he's so mean but also understand where his anger and hatred comes from.  

What was it like to work with her? Monroe, I mean.

It's an interesting experience working with her.  I'm a very creative artist and when you meet someone who is also very creative- not necessarily in the same ways but in other ways, you can't help but see it inspires you to be better at your craft.  I love the writing which is one of the reasons I wanted to do the series.  She's a very creative mind and is great to be around.  She's also very dedicated to the show so it makes me want to come with my A-game that much more.

And what about the rest of the cast and crew?

I love these guys.  We're a family.  They've helped me become the character just by being themselves.  They're fun to work with and when it's time to shoot everyone steps up and delivers over and over.  It's a beautiful thing. I'm very fortunate.

What has working on the show taught you?

I've learned how to read other actors while on set.  I've learned to prepare myself better in order to not waste anyone's time and I've learned how to work with my fellow cast and crew off and on set in order to keep moving forward to make our characters more realistic and believable.

Interview by Liv Borromeo
Photos by Monroe Hayden

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